VIVA New Artist Salon
A salon for new artists, artists new to Vashon, artists who are new to VIVA or the Art Studio Tour
Join us for lively conversation, good company and light snacks
October 11, 2018 at Gather, The Heart of Art on Vashon Island
Topics of conversation may include, but are not limited to:
Introduction to VIVA
Opportunity to socialize with other artists
Opportunity to meet others who create art/craft in the same genre
How can VIVA support the new artist?
Possible mentoring/buddy program as a way to introduce new artists to established artists in the community
Implement ongoing socialization programs such as quarterly genre meetings with demos
Publicize national recognition, artist acheivements
Recognize multi-faceted nature of artist/crafters in VIVA by focusing on:
*Marketing and sales – support in getting work into shopping venues
*Competitions, exhibits and galleries
Strawberry Festival – Focus on expansion of Art On The Green
Hosted by:
Jeff Good – Watercolor Artist –
Stephanie Marotta – S.Marotta Pottery, Unique Pottery to Enjoy Every Day –